Shipwreck survivors are found on Beiru Island (Infanto tô), which was previously used for atomic tests. The interior is amazingly free of radiation effects, and they believe that they were protected by a special juice that was given to them by the island's residents. A joint expedition of Rolisican and Japanese scientists explores Beiru and discovers many curious things, including two women only one foot (30 centimeters) high. Unscrupulous expedition leader Clark Nelson abducts the women and puts them in a vaudeville show. But their sweet singing contains a telepathic cry for help to Mothra, a gigantic moth that is worshiped as a deity by the island people. The giant monster heeds the call of the women and heads to Tokyo, wreaking destruction in its path.


  1. 1幸存者2015 3.0
  2. 24度空间大师 8.0
  3. 3征服太空 4.0
  4. 4绑架2016 1.0
  5. 5杀出银河系 7.0
  6. 6看守者 7.0
  7. 7假面骑士圣刃 深罪的三重奏 7.0
  8. 8人体异形 1.0
  9. 9毁灭的发明 10.0
  10. 10钢铁少女:决战 9.0
  11. 11超级少女 1.0
  12. 12漩涡:主权的曙光 5.0
  13. 13太阳2016 1.0
  14. 14宇宙毁灭记 9.0
  15. 15星际钝胎 6.0
  16. 16宇宙大战争 10.0
  17. 17最机密第三站 8.0
  18. 18失落的世界 2.0
  19. 19造物的奇迹 5.0
  20. 20诅咒之城:玛雅 2.0
  21. 21氮气马戏团 3.0
  22. 22穿越烽火线电影版 10.0
  23. 23X 放射线 9.0
  24. 24病毒劫持 8.0
  25. 25鬼伴 3.0
  26. 26大怪兽加美拉 3.0
  27. 27原子怪兽 7.0
  28. 28恐龙饭店 9.0
  29. 29隐藏杀手 10.0
  30. 30巨兽格果 5.0